Monday, March 30, 2009

Skin discoloration after laser hair removal

A fair number of women who undergo laser to get rid of their hair develop excessive whitening of their skin (hypopigmentation). The whitening of skin occurs in a round patch and does not cause any symptoms but can create an aesthetic problem. White discoloration after laser is a common problem in dark skinned individuals and is not rare at all. While the exact number of individuals who develop this problem after laser is not known, judging from the complaints over the internet, the numbers are quite high.

For most individuals with this problem, if any recovery is going to happen it usually occurs in the first 1-2 months after treatment. After this time period, if the skin is still discolored, it is unlikely to become normal again. This is something the physicians never tell you when you first see them. Unfortunately, there is no treatment of hypopigmented skin that occurs after laser. The only remedy is to wear camouflage creams or cover the area with a garment.

The best advice for all individuals who have had this complication is to stay away from future laser treatments- or better still, keep away from physicians who offer laser therapy. Mucking around with nature almost never pays.

Laser Hair Removal-costs Part 2

Not a single clinic, spa, or physician ever tells you that you will only need one session for laser hair removal. Each and every one of them will ask you to make multiple appointments- another big scam. And rest assured, the majority of the them will offer you discount packages- like $50 off or free hair removal from your nose or some crap like that. Think, if laser was that great why give away a discount? And do not think a $50-$100 discount is lot (wait till you see the final price below).

In most cases you will have to go anywhere from 4-10 times (enough times to leave a big cash deposit for the health care worker to put down his/her BMW).

Laser removal for a few hairs on the upper lip may not take long but you will still pay a fair amount. On average, when you walk into a salon or spa to get your hair removed by laser, be prepared to pay anywhere from $400-$800 per session. Moreover, for about 6-8 treatments, that can cost anywhere from $3,000-$, 5000.

That is an awful lot of money to spend on a treatment that is painful, not permanent, and not guaranteed to work. Go online and read testimonials about laser and hair removal. The majority are negative- so become a wise consumer.

Laser hair removal is considered cosmetic and NEVER covered by Medicare or any other health insurance plan (do not listen to the hogwash by doctors who say it is)

Please consumers, be wise. The current economy is tough. Save your hard earned money for a hair removal treatment which is cheaper, less painful and that always works. Razors and waxes may not sound romantic but they work.

Costs of Laser Hair Removal- The Facts

The FACTS for the consumer

For example if I had a product that was damn good and did all the wonderful things like the doctors claim, Why not give out a price and let the consumer know the facts? If it works great and is safe, consumers will come even if it is expensive. Anytime you see a website on cosmetics with no price, think twice before you get any treatments. These places are guaranteed to be expensive.

For the consumer Fact 2- anytime you go to a website and there is no price given out, just go elsewhere. Would you ever walk into a car room and buy an automobile with no price listed? Would you shop your groceries in a store if there were no price listed? Cosmetic surgery deals with your body and health and there are risks with lasers- while the complications are rare, they are irreversible and you do not get your money back.

All these websites (esp the health care workers including doctors) give some bullshit reason as to why the price varies and some wishy-washy answer why the price cannot be listed. All nonsense.

Now that we got the facts out of the way, let us get to the price of laser hair removal.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Intense photo light therapy to remove hair- another fad? Part 3

Does IPL hurt?

Again, the physicians say it only feels like a snap of a rubber band. Patients say yikes, that hurt. Sure, it hurts. It is more like a sharp needle prick. That is why all physicians use a cooling gel to numb the pan

Can everyone undergo IPL?

No, certain individual will not improve with IPL. These includes individuals:

- with blonde or white hairs
- with dark skin like Orientals, Asians and middle easterners
- who have a recent sun tan
- who have a history of extreme sensitivity to light treatments
- with a recent skin infection
- who have been using accutane recently
- Pregnant women

Are there any testimonials on IPL?

Sure, there are a lot of testimonials on cyberspace. The majority of individuals have only negative things to say about IPL. Some claim that is does work initially but the hair comes back. The majority claim that it does diddly squat and hurts like hell.

Is IPL covered by insurance?

No, Both Medicare and private medical insurance carriers do not cover for treatment which is considered cosmetic

What is the cost of treatment?

Not cheap. A single session of IPL can range anywhere from $350-$700. Also know there are no refunds and if something goes wrong, you have to pay additional money to fix it.

Is IPL hair removal permanent?

Definitely not- hair will come back. The hair free period may range from a few weeks to a few months. most individuals claim that hair does come back in a few months.

Is there a different between IPL and Laser hair removal?

The only major difference is how they are spelled. However, they both have three things in common- both work similarly, are expensive and not permanent (in other words not worth the money- or in other words—too much hype about nothing)

Final Note

For the consumer- the fact that there are so many queries and treatments for hair removal should immediately indicate that there is no ideal hair removal method. Except for electrolysis, there is no hair removal method which lasts more than a few months. IPL is just another cosmetic fad going passing through, more designed to make money for the health care workers rather than of any significant benefit to patients.

Besides being painful, temporary, and terribly expensive, this is definitely not a recommended therapy. For those who want hair removal, stick to the old-fashioned razor and or wax. These methods are cheap, have very few side effects and they work all the time as predicted-the same cannot be said of IPL

Intense photo light therapy to remove hair- another fad? Part 2

How many treatments of IPL does one require?

Well, there is nothing in all of cosmetic medicine that is ever cured in a single session. So all individuals require multiple session- usually anywhere from 6-12 and the richer you look, the more the sessions you will be prescribed or more cosmetic procedures will be recommended. For those with little money, few sessions can be arranged. For the individuals who undergo few sessions, it is claimed that IPL will gradually limit the amount of hair growing in future.

When do the repeat sessions take place?

Because hair grow in cycles, most physicians recommend that one wait 4-6 weeks to repeat the next cycle of IPL treatments

How long is each IPL session?

Generally, not long. The five hairs on the upper lip may only take 2-3 minutes but the groin or the leg can take an hour.

Does IPL have any side effects?

Yes, definitely. Most individuals do develop redness and swelling from where the hair was treated. These side effects are transient and disappear in a few hours. When the area treated is small, the individual can return back to work or their life style on the same day.

However, when large areas of body area are treated, one may develop a fair degree of discomfort and blistering. This may take a few days to resolve. So you stay at home for a 2-5 days.

Does IPL have any complications?

You bet. Some individuals do develop either excessive darkening or lightening of the skin. Some of these skin discolorations may return to normal but not in every case. Sometimes, these changes are permanent. Some dark skinned individuals also develop keloids which are worse looking the hair and even more difficult to treat.

Does IPL remove hair from all skin types?

Well, the physicians who perform the procedure say yes but many patients who have had the procedure say no

When does one see results after IPL treatment?

Some hair may fall off at the time of treatment but in most cases, the dead hair starts to fall in 7-14 days

Intense photo light therapy to remove hair- another fad?

Almost every single week there is an announcement that there is new a permanent method to remove hair. First, it was the razor, than it was wax;, followed by depilatory ointments, then laser and now we have IPL or intense pulse light therapy. Most spas, salons and even some physicians have gone on the bandwagon to advertise IPL as the best method to remove hair.

Just what is IPL?

IPL is just like a laser in that there is a beam of light, but the wavelength at which is light is emitted is broad. And what does all this mean? Well the IPL will have maximal effect and decrease the amount of injury to normal skin. The other benefit is that patients do not feel pain (well that is what the doctors say- see later).

So how does IPL work?

Well, IPL removes all the hair that you do not want in your body. In fact, it can remove hair from any part of your body. The light energy is focused on the hair and absorbed by the hair follicles. This destroys the hair follicle so that it will no longer grow. However, since hair does grow in cycles, new hair will be visible but these can be treated with multiple treatments later on. So far, all sounds good.

How is the procedure done?

All IPL treatments are done at a spa or a salon. When you get there, you will be made comfortable and the area of the body with hair will be exposed. The technician will apply a thin clear gel to cool the top of the skin layer. The IPL device is then switched on. The wavelength for the IPL is selected by a physician and is individualized based on skin texture and hair color.

Can IPL used everywhere on the body?

Sure, physicians claim it can be used on the upper lips, ears, nose, under arms, bikini, groin line and even around the anus (I sure would like to use the IPL on a physician’s arse and ask him how it feels!). The cosmetic physicians claim that hair can be removed without any discomfort

Does IPL work in men?

Sure, IPL always works when people pay money. However, hair removal in men is slightly difficult because the hair is more thick and coarse.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ingrown hairs- prevention & treatment


There is no real magic trick to preventing ingrown hairs.

- If you sit for long periods, start walking and avoid
pressure on the buttocks
- If you wear tight underpants which causes friction,
wear loose clothes

When shaving the following tips may help prevent ingrown hairs.

- When you shave, leave your hair slightly longer
- Avoid shaving against the direction of hair growth
- Do not repeatedly shave hair in the same area. If a
small stub is missed, leave it for the next time
- Use a sharp razor
- Try not to shave using just plain water. Use a shaving
lotion- this makes the strokes easier and creates less
- After completing shaving, use a moisturizer


The majority of individuals with ingrown hair usually require no treatment. Most ingrown hairs resolve on their own. One may be able to see the responsible ingrown hair and remove it with a tweezer. IF it is deeply buried, perhaps it may be pulled out with a fine needle. Those individuals who have an ingrown hair that is causing pain or redness may want to see a physician. If the ingrown hair has become infected, one may need an antibiotic and removal of the hair.

Use of chemical peels and exfoliative agent to treat ingrown hair is going overboard. So try the simple things at home and only see a health care professional when the home remedies fails. Even for a simple ingrown hair, physicians charge a lot of money.

How can I get rid of ingrown hairs?

Many individuals are affected by ingrown hairs. In all cases, the stub of hair starts to grow, then curls inwards and back into the skin. While ingrown hairs can occur in everyone, some individuals are more predisposed to this disorder.

Who develops ingrown hairs?

Individuals who are obese, those who are always sitting and have a sedentary life style are more prone to ingrown hairs. Ingrown hair typically occur on body parts which have constant external pressure/friction- e.g. buttocks and back of thighs from prolonged seating. However, the rare ingrown hair can occur almost anywhere on the body.

Individuals who have curly hair are more prone to ingrown hairs. These days ingrown hairs are also seen in women who wear tight fitting undergarments and pants. Ingrown hairs around the pubis and groin are more common in women whereas men tend to get them around buttocks and back of the thigh.

Another common cause of ingrown hair is poor shaving technique. Always shave in the direction of hair growth and not against it.


The symptoms of an ingrown hair are irritation, itching, and rarely infection.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

All you want to know about Brazilian Wax Part 3

Brazilian waxing is done at a spa and usually takes 30 minutes for the actual removal of hair and 3- 5 days to get over the pain. At the spa, one lies down semi nude with the legs apart. It is best not to shave hair for a few days. All the long hair is snipped away and only a fine stub is left. This allows the wax to attach on to the hair.

Prior to application of the wax, the therapist will sprinkle talc powder around the normal skin to prevent wax from sticking to skin. Once the wax is applied, it is gently pressed with a cloth, which will attach itself to the wax. One the wax is cooled, the wax is usually stripped in the opposite direction of hair growth. This means that the wax is typically pulled from the pubis to the abdomen. Once the pubis hair is removed and if you are still in the S & M mood, then you will be asked to lie on your stomach and hold the cheeks of your buttocks so wax can be applied over the anal and buttock area. Once this part is done, any residual hairs will be removed with a tweezer. For those who prefer to have a strip of hair remaining on the pubis mound it can be trimmed or dyed. Finally, soothing lotion is applied to make you feel great.

The first time a Brazilian Wax is always painful. However, most people who get this wax done say that repeat attempts are less painful. Others say that one should take some Motrin or Tylenol 1 hour before the procedure. Some therapists also apply some ice or a topical anesthetic for a few minutes prior to the procedure.

After Brazilian wax, one must avoid the sun and wear a sunscreen. If not, the area will appear darkly colored. The waxed area is generally very sensitive immediately afterwards- so avoid hot baths, sauna, or whirlpools. To avoid extreme discomfort after the procedure, do not wear tight underpants or restrictive clothing. Most experts claim that one should not have sex immediately after a Brazilian wax, because the area is quite sensitive. One should not have to worry about this, because most people are busy trying to manage the pain and thoughts of sex are far away.

And how long does Brazilian Wax last? - Anywhere from 3-6 weeks and then you have to go through this great experience again. With frequent waxing, the hair growth usually is much slow, but rest assured it is not permanent.

The cost of a Brazilian wax average anywhere from $40-$100.

Final Word: Most individuals who have undergone a Brazilian Wax usually never again complain about the razor.

All you want to know about Brazilian Wax Part 2

So one may ask what is the big deal about Brazilian wax? Why all the controversy?

Well take a few strands of hair from the pubis or the anal area in your hand- and pull then pull out manually- get the idea? It is no piece of cake. Most describe it as painful – excruciating. In addition, once the hair has been removed, the area around the pubis and anus remains hypersensitive- while you may look sexy and have smooth pubis, thoughts of pain are more common than eroticism.

In any case, some women do get this procedure done only once and then stick to another gentler method of hair removal.

The actual technique of Brazilian waxing is the same as waxing anywhere else on the body. Warm wax is applied and covered by cloth. When the wax has settled for a few minutes, the cloth is pulled and the wax pulls out the hair from the roots. Most people scream, some cry, others laugh—but rest assured it is a painful experience. In addition, the pain does not immediately go away. Sometimes the pain lingers on for 3-10 days. Besides pain, there are a few rare complications. Sometimes in individuals with very thin and sensitive skin, small piece of skin come off also, there is redness, blisters and one can even develop an infection- all this so that one can wear a thong.

There are even home kits for Brazilian waxing but the pain is not any less. For women, waxing should be avoided during midcycle, as the vaginal area is very sensitive during this time period. Similarly, women who are pregnant should avoid Brazilian waxing as the pain is magnified many fold.

All you want to know about Brazilian Wax

For the novice, Brazilian wax is simply another term to describe bikini waxing. However, over the years, Brazil waxing has been modified and there are many variants of the same procedure. Women who do not like hair in the pubic and groin area or those who prefer to wear thongs/skimpy bikinis usually undergo Brazilian waxing. Removing hair from the bikini line is not a new thing- it has been practiced in some form in many cultures and races.

In some parts of the Middle East, removal of bikini hair has been practiced for over 3000 years. Nothing much has changed about hair removal except that now we have different names and fancy procedures to remove hair from the same body part.

With Brazilian waxing, one generally removes all hair from the pubis and the anal area. In some cases, only a thin strip of hair will be left on the pubis mound. However, there are many variants of Brazilian waxing and the consumer can always request what they want (not everyone wants hair from the anus to be removed).

Some types of Brazilian wax involves removal of hair from the frontal pubis and groin area, and in some extreme cases, hair is removed from the pubis, anus, rectum, and even the buttocks. Removal of all pubic hair is also sometimes known as a Full Brazilian wax, Full bikini wax or the Hollywood wax.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why does one pull their hair out? (Trichotillomania)

Hair pulling or Trichotillomania is a complex disorder and no one really knows why the individual pulls his or her hair. There are some risk factors which have been linked to this disturbing disorder and include:

Family history. There is a tendency for Trichotillomania to run in families. If there is a family member, either parent or sibling who has engaged in this behavior, chances are that or you may be affected. The chances of another family member developing same problem are about 5-25 percent.

Age: Trichotillomania usually first develops just after puberty and unfortunately in some cases, is life long. Children as young as 5-6 have been known to pull their hair. In such cases, it is not know if this is a case of temper tantrum or other behavior related problem. In children and teenagers less than age 16, the most common triggering factors are stress, the home environment, and school life. Common stressors in these individuals, which induce hair pulling, are changing school, divorce, death of a parent, constant moving and hormonal changes. It is commonly observed that younger children often pull their hair during bedtime or eating. Teenagers pull their hair in the daytime, most commonly in their bedroom, bathroom or in some secret location.

Gender: From medical follow-ups, it appears that women are more affected. However, these numbers have a treatment bias, as more women tend to seek help. Most men hide this problem and feel embarrassed to seek help. Overall, it appears that both genders are equally affected by Trichotillomania.

Feature of Hair:
A few individuals pull out their hair because of a body image distortion. They simply do not like their hair. Some individuals do not like the color, others do not like the style and yet others hate the texture.

Emotions: The great majority of individuals who pull their hair out have emotional problems. Many of these individuals deal with their negative emotions (stress, anxiety, fatigue, loneliness, tension) by pulling out their hair. Estimates indicate that at least 40-70 percent of individuals who have Trichotillomania also have other mental disorder like depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or some type of eating disorder (bulimia, anorexia)

Some individuals find that after pulling the hair, they feel better. These individuals often pull the hairs and hold it close to their skin, which gives them a good feeling. Unfortunately, this creates a positive reinforcement and leads to a cycle of hair pulling.

Unfortunately, even when these risk factors are identified, treatment is difficult and relapses are common.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Laser Hair Removal Part 2

Can a suntan affect laser hair removal?

Sure. After an individual has a suntan, laser hair removal should not be done. One has to wait at least 4-6 weeks for the tan to disappear before the laser can be used. If the laser is used on an individual with a suntan, the chances of a scar, blistering, and skin discoloration are very high

What types of lasers are used to remove hair?

There are many types of lasers available to remove hair. The most commonly used lasers include the Ruby, Nd: YAG, Pulsed light, diode laser, and Alexandrite. The diode and the Nd: YAG are often used to remove hair from dark skinned individuals

Are there any preparations required prior to laser hair removal?

In general no. After the consultation, the health care professional will look at your skin, hair type and obtain photos to document the progress. Lasers are most effective at removing short stubs of hair growth. Therefore, the only thing required prior to a laser treatment is not to shave for a few days. Prior to the treatment is it is highly recommended that one not wax, pluck or pull the hairs

How is laser hair removal done?

Laser hair removal is an outpatient procedure. There are spas, clinics and many health care facilities using laser to remove hair. Before the start of the procedure, your eyes will be shielded from the intense laser beam by dark goggles.
The laser is like a small pen and emits an intense beam if light. The light enters the skin and generates heat. The heat then destroys the hair follicle.

Does the laser hurt?

Yes, it hurts. Despite what the technician or anyone says, laser does hurt and not just a wee bit. It is like a hot burn and not fun. To minimize the pain, the technician may apply a topical anesthetic (it rarely helps). Further, many lasers also have a cooling tip at the end to minimize the pain. Some technicians numb the skin with an ice pack before the treatment. In any case, laser hair removal is not pleasant experience.

When the laser destroys the hair, one can smell the hair burning. The duration of the laser procedure can take anywhere from 5-20 minutes, depending on where you want the hair removed.

What is cost of laser hair removal

The cost depends on where you want the hair removed and how much. In general, each laser session can cost anywhere from $300-$600. Because there is a bandwagon of people using laser to remove hair, select your technician well. Not only may laser not work but it definitely is not a fun experience getting burnt from a laser.

Laser Hair Removal Part 1

For some individuals, hair is a real nuisance. Over the years there have been methods devised to remove hair- just the number of methods advertised on a daily basis should inform the consumer that there is no ideal method of removing hair (no different from methods touted to promote weight loss)

There are many methods to remove hair and all of them have their pros and cons. The newest method of removing hair is laser. Laser mania is on the increase in North America. Whenever a problem with the body cannot be fixed, it appears the laser is always called in. thee are a number of portable lasers now available for hair removal and essentially they all work in the same way.

Where can hair be removed with the laser?

Laser can be used to remove hair from any almost any part of the body except the eye and the ear. Laser is currently used to remove hair from the chin, upper lips, bikini line, hands, back, chest armpits and legs laser hair removal permanent?

Is laser treatment permanent?

NO. Despite the media hype and what the health care professionals claim, laser is not a permanent treatment for hair. The majority of individuals who undergo hair removal with the laser notice absence of hair anywhere from a few months to a few years. To maintain the hair free benefit, future laser treatments are required.

Can laser remove hair in everyone?

Unfortunately, No, lasers are not for everyone. However, it is possible to predict who will respond to laser hair removal and who will not. The most important factors that determine success of a laser is your hair type and skin color. Individuals who have dark hair and fair skin get the best results. Overall, when the skin color is light and the hair is dark, the result will be satisfying. Individuals who have dark skin generally do not get the same results and in fact, many require a different type of laser and more treatment sessions

All individuals who have a dark skin color should seek a center that has experience in dealing with this dilemma. Special lasers must be used for dark skinned individuals

Vaniqa and Hair Removal Part 1

For the moment, Vaniqa has only been recommended for use in women only.

Certain individuals should not use Vaniqa. These include the following:

- Men should not used this product – no testing has been done
on this gender
- Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not use this
drug because the Vaniqa has not been fully evaluated on the fetus
- Females under the age of 12 should not use this drug
- Vaniqa is only supposed to be applied on the face and chin.
- Vaniqa is not supposed to be placed inside the mouth, ears,
vagina, and anal area
- Further, if one has broken or inflamed skin, Vaniqa should be avoided.

To use Vaniqa, apply a thin layer of cream and rub it in for a few minutes. This is best done at bedtime. Apply the cream once more in the morning. The cream should be left on the skin for a minimum of 4 hours. If you have shaved, plucked, or waxed your skin, Vaniqa should not be applied for at least the next 4 hours.

Always thoroughly wash the hands after using Vaniqa.

Once the cream is dry, one can apply a moisturizer or sunscreen.

The earliest results are seen at about 4-8 weeks.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell in whom Vaniqa will work in whom it will not.

Vaniqa hair removal cream is not covered by any medical insurance plan or Medicare. The cost of Vaniqa is not cheap and ranges anywhere from $90-$120 for a month’s supply.

Vaniqa is only available with a prescription and there are only discounts if you buy more than 3 months supply (remember the old trick, buy two get one at 50%). Because there is no guarantee it will work, it is hard to recommend this product. Testimonials are hard to come by and despite the dealers making a lot of hype, anecdotal reports indicate that this cream is both a waste of money and time.

Final Verdict
- Junk save your money and continue with the conventional razor or wax.

Vaniqa and Hair Removal

In the last few years, much has been made about a topical cream that can remove hair. The drug known as Vaniqa or Eflornithine was initially used to treat parasitic infections in Africa and was observed to cause hair loss. However, the drug company realized it could make more money selling this cream for hair removal than help poor children in Africa. So now the drug is heavily marketed as a hair loss product in the West.

Vaniqa is available as topical preparation and has been shown to remove hair in some individuals.

MIND YOU, Vaniqa does not work
in all people for hair removal. While exact numbers are lacking, the number of people who respond to Vaniqa is anywhere from 10-50%. Even the hair removal intensity is not the same in all individuals. All the data reported are by the manufacturers and dealers and hard facts are not available.

Vaniqa appears to act by getting absorbed in to the skin and stopping growth of more hair. The drug has to be applied everyday for 8 weeks. All consumers should understand that this is not a permanent hair removal method. As soon as you stop the drug, hair will restart to grow.