The biggest complaint by all individuals affected with telogen effluvium is that hair is shedding at a high rate. Further most individuals will also complain that the remaining hair is less dense. The hair loss can occur in patches but compete baldness is rare. The entire episode of hair loss lasts about 6 months. Most individuals will give a history of emotional turmoil or some physical health problem a month or two preceding the problem.
The diagnosis of telogen effluvium is not difficult but one needs to see a skin doctor. An average family physician will have no clue about this disorder. The most important fact about this disorder is that there is no scarring.
Known stressors that can cause telogen effluvium include a change in medications, change in diet, pregnancy, delivery of a baby, immunization, acute illness, or major injury.
Other causes of telogen effluvium include:
- Crash diets
- chronic iron deficiency
- heavy metal poisoning
- medications like beta-blocker, blood thinners,
excess use of retinoids and various vaccines
The most definite way to make a diagnosis is a scalp biopsy but often an astute dermatologist can make a diagnosis without the biopsy. If a metabolic cause is suspected, blood work may be required.
All individuals who develop telogen effluvium have to understand that the disorder is transient and will resolve in 6 months. The only treatment for telogen effluvium is reassurance. If you have telogen effluvium from an identifiable cause like diet, iron deficiency or use of medication, your physician will recommend changes.
Many young people hate being bald for a few months. for them it is better to cover the head with hat, wig, or a scarf. The use of minoxidil or propecia has not been shown to promote recovery. The medications almost never work, are expensive and are useless.
Depressed diabetic
11 years ago
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