Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is there a cure in sight for hair loss?

Unfortunately, we are a long ways from a drug that can grow hair. We can send men to the moon and have the technology to look at the heavens millions of years away from us (unless NASA is lying about that too), but we still do not have a cure for hair loss. Of course, there are medications, lotions, potions, herbs and nutrients, but none of them work- at least no one that will ever get back the you lost.

A strand of a new hair growing here and there is the best what these medications will do. There are thousands of products for hair cures all over the internet and touted by the pharmaceutical industry- but all of them lack scientific evidence and are not worth a dime. You may as well drink cow’s urine or yours- but hair once gone is hard to get back. The hair industry is a billion dollar business because men, it appears cannot live without two things- women and hair.

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